Bookings with Julie are managed directly with her. Use the contact form below to book
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Cert IV and Intergrated Diploma of Pilates with Tensegrity Training
Balance and Control Pilates Training College; Mat/Reformer and Studio
Member Pilates Alliance Australasia
Ballet school director and owner 10 years
Life member Southern Federation of Dance
As an experienced dancer, teacher and examiner, Julie has perfected her skills in training fluid, graceful movement in her clients. After being introduced to the Pilates Method 16 years ago she became hooked on the principles and foundation exercises. From working alongside the physiotherapy team at Balance and control for the past four years she has expanded her knowledge in postural correction and bio-mechanical retraining. Her clients benefit from the breadth of her experience across these diverse fields of movement.
Julie is particularly interested in foot mobility and its relationship with balance and health in over 60’s.
This year Julie looks forward to spending as much time as possible with her daughters and her lovely grandchildren, along with travelling the world and continuing her voluntary role with the Red Cross.