First, Select Date required (Red Dates indicate fully booked days.) Use ‘Book Now’ for Single bookings. Use ‘Select’ for multiple bookings.Finalise multiple bookings using Cart (above calendar).
Mat Class Single $30
Pilates Mat Class 10-pack $250
Option 1: Pilates Mat Class Single $30 Option 2: Pilates Mat Class 10-Pack $250
Use the equivalent session and package price values as listed above.
Electronic Funds Transfer Details:
BSB: 013 338
Acct No: 464 422 164
Acct Name: Intentional Training Systems
Reference: Surname + Date (format dd-mm)
Contact Jill by completing this form:
Diploma of Contemporary Pilates & Teaching Methodology (pending)
Diploma of Financial Services (Insurance Broking)
Commencing her career as Primary School sports teacher, life soon took Jill in a different direction, leading to a successful career in Insurance. During this time Jill became a student of Pilates. Initially as support to the rigours of an active netball career, Jill quickly realised Pilates was also the perfect counter to the sedentary nature of her desk job. Enjoying and valuing the benefits of Pilates over the years, Jill decided to channel her passion into a career.
“My years of experience with Pilates has shown me how people of all ages, fitness and activity levels can benefit. As a teacher of Pilates, my goal is to share my passion, enabling students to enjoy class, be challenged and feel first hand the benefits Pilates brings to everyday living.”